AIDS Walk Los Angeles 2011
We can’t make music – or do much of anything – without our health. Not to be too melodramatic about it, although come on – I am a songwriter after all – when I wake up in the morning and everything on my body basically works and the people I love are o.k….I want to kiss the ground.
People living with HIV/AIDs and those who love them are not o.k. So…on October 16 my children Ari and Mikey and I will be participating in California’s largest AIDS fundraising event: the 26th annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles, a 10-kilometer walkathon that benefits AIDS Project Los Angeles (APLA) and over two dozen other local AIDS service organizations. Over the past 25 years, AIDS Walk Los Angeles has provided for life-sustaining food, medical and dental care, safe housing, and much more for thousands of Angelenos living with HIV/AIDS. The event has also funded L.A. County’s largest network of effective and unbiased HIV prevention programs, saving countless lives.
Despite advancements made in the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, the disease is not going away.
Every 9 1/2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV.
Half of those infected with HIV are under the age of 25.
These days it is hard to pay the rent, much less to make charitable contributions. But if you can find a way to give anything at all to this incredibly worthy cause, it would mean a lot to me, and more importantly, to the hundreds and thousands of people suffering from AIDS and the people who love them. Even a small amount can make a meaningful difference and provide services essential to combatting this terrible disease.
All donations are 100% tax deductible. To make one, please click this link:
If you prefer not to make a donation online, please send cash or checks made out to “AIDS Walk Los Angeles” to: Jud Friedman, 12407 Debby St., No. Hollywood, CA 91606. I will turn in all amounts on the morning of the Walk.
Thank you! Stay healthy and keep making beautiful music!